California Health Access Model Program (CHAMP)
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated June 14, 2013
What is the California Health Access Model Program (CHAMP)?
California Health Access Model Program (CHAMP) is a grant program authorized by Assembly Bill 1467, which was signed into law by the Governor on June 28, 2012 and added to the Government Code as Section 15438.10. Regulations for the program, effective February 7, 2013 can be found in Title 4, California Code of Regulations, sections 7100-7112.
What is CHAMP’s purpose?
CHAMP’s purpose is to support innovative methods to deliver health care services more effectively, and improve access and health outcomes for vulnerable populations and communities by bringing services, including preventive services, to individuals where they live or congregate.
How will the grant program be structured?
CHAMP’s initial phase will fund one or more Demonstration Projects, up to a combined total of $1.5 million. If the evaluation of a completed Demonstration Project indicates it is warranted, in a separate and subsequent process, CHAMP will launch a second phase to replicate the new model across California.
Why is CHAMP a program of the California Health Facilities Financing Authority?
CHFFA’s mission is to help eligible and creditworthy nonprofit and public health facilities reduce their cost of capital, and promote important California health access, health care improvement and cost containment objectives. CHFFA accomplishes these objectives by providing tax-exempt bond financing, low-cost loans, and direct grant programs.
How is CHAMP different from California Health Facilities Financing Authority’s other programs?
Unlike CHFFA’s other programs, CHAMP is not a mechanism to provide capital for health facilities. For this purpose, three other programs are available:
- HELP II Program: The HELP II Loan Program provides fixed-rate loans of up to $1.5 million to California’s nonprofit small or rural health facilities to purchase or construct new facilities, remodel or renovate existing facilities, or purchase equipment or furnishings.
- Tax-Exempt Conduit Bond Financing: Conduit bond financing provides a borrower with access to low-interest rate capital markets through the issuance of tax-exempt revenue bonds.
- The Children’s Hospital Program: The Children's Hospital Program provides grants to 13 specific children's hospitals in California for capital improvement projects.
CHAMP is designed to cover a broader range of costs associated with the innovative delivery of health care services rather than being limited to costs associated with constructing or renovating facilities.
What happens next?
Twelve demonstration projects have been invited to submit grant applications based on Letters of Interest that were submitted in April. Grant applications are due no later than 5 p.m. on August 14, 2013.
How can I learn more about CHAMP in the coming months?
To follow CHAMP’s progress, please watch the CHAMP page on CHFFA’s website where we will post additional information as it becomes available.
If you would like to receive all CHFFA notices, you can join CHFFA’s ListServ.
To receive only CHAMP-related announcements, you may send an email with “CHAMP Mailing List” in the subject line. Be sure to include in the body of your message your name, title, organization, telephone number, email address and mailing address. You also may send questions about the program to the same email address. Please be sure to reference “CHAMP” in the subject line.