State Treasurer's Office Directory and Contacts
Staff Directory
SCAM ALERT – If you received a phone call from this number asking for credit card information or any type of monetary donation, please disregard the request. This telephone number has been cloned and is being used by scammers. Please do not provide any personal information or payment information to the person on the other end of the phone, this is a SCAM. | |
Executive Office | (916) 653-2995 |
Fiona Ma, State Treasurer | |
Patrick Henning, Chief Deputy Treasurer | |
Khaim Morton, Deputy Treasurer, Economic Development | |
John Sheldon, Deputy Treasurer, Public Finance | |
Stephanie Tom, Deputy Treasurer, Savings and Investment Programs | |
William "Fritz" Pahland, General Counsel | |
Frank Ruffino, Pension and Benefits Director | |
Kathryn Asprey, Director of Constituent Affairs | |
Joe DeAnda, Director of Communications | |
Christian Daly, External Affairs and Communications Manager | |
**Requests for Copies of Public Records | | | |
** Media Requests | | | (916) 653-2995 |
Divisions and Offices |
Public Finance | (916) 653-3451 |
Blake Fowler, Director | (916) 653-2903 |
Amanda Johnson, Assistant Director | (916) 653-2903 |
Julie Giordano, Assistant Director | (916) 653-2903 |
Investments | (916) 653-3147 |
Jeff Wurm, Director | (916) 653-3147 |
Kim McCorstin , Assistant Director | (916) 653-3147 |
Lily Osorio, LAIF Administrator | (916) 653-3147 |
Manish Patel, Time Deposits Manager | (916) 653-3147 |
Tracey Paine, Manager, Pooled Money Investment Board | (916) 653-3147 |
Centralized Treasury and Securities Management Division | (916) 653-3601 |
Andre Rivera, Director | (916) 653-3601 |
Natalie Gonzales, Assistant Director | (916) 653-3601 |
** Inquiries About Stop Payments/Paid Checks/Forgeries | (916) 653-0060 |
** Inquiries About Bank Accounts Outside the State Treasury System/Filing Report 14 | (916) 653-2886 |
** Inquiries About Reporting Deposits/TC-30, TC-31 and Direct Deposit Forms/Federal LCs/Automated Clearing House (ACH) Enrollment/Wire Transfers | (916) 653-2917 |
Administration | (916) 653-3100 |
Rebecca Grajski, Director | (916) 653-7345 |
Karma Manni, Chief, Fiscal Services Unit | (916) 653-8217 |
Christopher Sneed, Chief, Management Services | (916) 653-3382 |
Condemnation Deposit Fund | |
SCAM ALERT – If you received a phone call from this number asking for credit card information or any type of monetary donation, please disregard the request. This telephone number has been cloned and is being used by scammers. Please do not provide any personal information or payment information to the person on the other end of the phone, this is a SCAM. | |
Information Technology | (916) 653-3965 |
Nayeem Mohammed, Director | |
Banarasi Tippa, Assistant Director | |
Small Business/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Advocate | |
Ashley Peters, Analyst, Business Services Section | (916) 653-7175 |
Moulay Billouche, Manager, Business Services Section | (916) 653-7656 |
Department of General Services Small Business & DVBE Advocate Information | |
Boards, Authorities and Commissions Chaired by the Treasurer |
California Achieving a Better Life Experience | |
Thomas Martin, Executive Director | (916) 653-1728 |
California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority | |
Christina Sarron, Executive Director | (916) 651-8157 |
California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission | |
Robert Berry, Executive Director | (916) 653-3269 |
California Debt Limit Allocation Committee | |
Vacant, Executive Director | (916) 653-3255 |
California Educational Facilities Authority | |
Carolyn Aboubechara, Executive Director | (916) 653-2872 |
California Health Facilities Financing Authority | |
Carolyn Aboubechara, Executive Director | (916) 653-2799 |
California Hope, Opportunity, Perseverance, and Empowerment (HOPE) for Children Trust Account Program | (916) 306-5562 |
Kasey O’Connor, Executive Director | (916) 926-2074 |
Rebekah Aguirre, Program Manager | (916) 823-2487 |
California Pollution Control Financing Authority | |
Shela Tobias-Daniel, Executive Director | (916) 654-5610 |
CalSavers Retirement Savings Board | |
David Taykaerts, Executive Director | (916) 653-1744 |
California School Finance Authority | |
Katrina Johantgen, Executive Director | (916) 651-7710 |
California Tax Credit Allocation Committee | |
Vacant, Executive Director | (916) 654-6340 |
Local Investment Advisory Board | |
Jeff Wurm, Director of Investments | (916) 653-3147 |
Lily Osorio, LAIF Administrator | (916) 653-3147 |
Pooled Money Investment Board | |
Tracey Paine, Administrator | (916) 653-3147 |
ScholarShare Investment Board | |
Cassandra DiBenedetto, Executive Director | (916) 651-6380 |
Contacting the State Treasurer's Office
SCAM ALERT – If you received a phone call from this number asking for credit card information or any type of monetary donation, please disregard the request. This telephone number has been cloned and is being used by scammers. Please do not provide any personal information or payment information to the person on the other end of the phone, this is a SCAM.Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 942809
Sacramento, CA 94209-0001
Office Location and Telephone Number:
901 P street, Room 411-B
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 653-2995
300 S Spring Street, Suite 8500
Los Angeles, CA 90013
(213) 620-4467
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