California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission

Select any of the graphs below to view more detailed information.

Cumulative California Public Debt Issuance (in Billions)

Line Graph of Cumulative California Public Debt Issuance

California Public Debt Issuance
November (in Millions)

Column Graph of California Public Debt Issuance for the Current Month

State* vs Local Debt Issuance
November (in Millions)

Column Graph of State vs Local Debt Issuance for the Current Month

Reports of Proposed Debt Issuance Received 12/1/24-12/31/24, by Purpose (in Millions)

Column Graph of Reports of Proposed Debt Issuance Received

Total Reports of Final Sale Received 12/1/24-12/31/24, by Purpose (in Millions)

Column Graph of Total Reports of Final Sale Received

Negotiated vs Competitive Sales
Cumulative Through November

Column Graph of Negotiated vs Competitive Sales

Cumulative Credit Enhancement of Long-Term Debt (as a Percentage of Debt Issued)

Column Graph of Credit Enhancement of Long-Term Debt