California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission

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  • Debt Burdens of California State and Local Governments: Past, Present, and Future
    Robert W. Wassmer, Ph.D. and Ronald C. Fisher, Ph.D., July 2011
    CDIAC commissioned this report by Robert W. Wassmer, Ph.D. and Ronald C. Fisher, Ph.D. to better understand past and present trends of the debt loads of California’s state and local governments, and to analyze how these debt loads compare with government debt loads in other states.
  • Debt Indicators and Criteria for the Assessment of California's Total Outstanding Public Debt
    January 1990
    This report reviews literature surrounding the issue of fiscal indicators for financial and credit analysis, describes a theoretical framework and recommended set of indicators for potential use by the State in assessing the level of total outstanding debt of California state and local governments, and provides a set of recommendations.
    Monthly Newsletter (1982 to present)
    The legislatively-mandated newsletter provides a calendar listing of all proposed and sold bond issues reported to CDIAC, as required by law, as well as summary tables and articles related to public issuance and the investment of public funds.
  • DEBT LINE Offprints
    Selected articles from CDIAC's monthly newsletter, DEBT LINE, relating to public financing and investment issues. These Offprints were discontinued in 2005, when DEBT LINE went to an electronic format.
  • Disclosure Guidelines For Land-Based Securities
    September 12, 1996 [CDAC #96-6]
    The Guidelines present the disclosure practices recommended for compliance with the Securities and Exchange Commission's amendments to Rule 15c2-12 (adopted in November 1994 by the SEC) for land-based financings. It provides background on land-based financings in California, municipal securities regulation, primary market disclosure and continuing disclosure for land-based securities.
  • Duration Basics
    January 2007 [CDIAC #06-10]
    This Issue Brief provides information on the use of duration as a measure of risk in fixed-income portfolios. It provides an overview of the different types of duration measures and how they are calculated, why duration is an important measure when comparing individual bonds and constructing a portfolio, and the use of convexity in conjunction with duration to provide a more accurate measure of price volatility.

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  • Electronic Disclosure: 2017 Update
    February 2017 [CDIAC #17-03]
    Provides updated information on electronic disclosure filing and addresses recent trends in electronic disclosure
  • Electronic Disclosure Issue Brief
    February 2002 [CDIAC #02-2]
    This Issue Brief summarizes Securities and Exchange Commission disclosure requirements and gives a number of recommendations to consider when implementing electronic disclosure programs.
  • Employing a Debt Management Policy – Practices Among California Local Agencies
    March 2014 [CDIAC #14-02]
    The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommends that a formal debt management policy, guiding debt issuance, should be a part of local government’s public debt administration. CDIAC conducted an examination of the debt management policies of cities, counties, and school districts and assessed the degree to which the debt policies of the these local issuers conform to GFOA best practices. The report also highlights several well-developed policies through which local agency issuers may gain an understanding of how best practices translate into actual debt policy construction.

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  • An Historical Review of Local Public Enterprise Revenue Bond Issuance
    December 2012 [CDIAC #12-10]
    This report provides an overview of the sources and uses of public enterprise revenue bond (PERB) issuance in California during a 26-year period (1985-2010). The report presents a history of PERB issuance and examines the issuance by project, region, and municipality.

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  • Investing in Callable Securities Issue Brief
    May 2002 [CDIAC #02-3]
    This Issue Brief provides public investment officials with information to assist in the evaluation of callable securities, provides information on the key characteristics of this security, and concludes with recommendations to consider when considering whether or not to invest in callable securities.
  • Investing in Callable Securities Issue Brief – September 2020 Update
    September 2020 [CDIAC #20-07]
    An update of a 2002 CDIAC Issue Brief that discusses the important considerations of investing in callable securities.
  • Investing with a Certificate of Deposit Placement Service
    December 2007 [CDIAC #07-09]
    AB 2011(Chapter 459, Statutes of 2006) authorizes local agencies to use a certificate of deposit (CD) placement service for large deposits. This issue brief outlines provisions of the legislation, provides a description of the existing program, and presents issues to be considered before investing with a CD placement service.
  • Investment Policy Reporting Practices: An Informational Guide
    October 2006 [CDIAC #06-03]
    This Guide provides examples of common investment policy reporting practices from local agencies surveyed, assists in assessing the benefits and risks of an agency’s investment goals and priorities, identifies alternative investment policy reporting practices, and recommends a California local agency model investment policy. The Guide includes an Appendix that gives definitions and recommendations on various investment policy terms and concepts.
  • Investment Portfolio Reporting Practices: An Informational Guide
    October 2004 [CDIAC #04-5]
    This Guide describes the purpose behind local government investment portfolio reporting and the information cities and counties should report to their legislative bodies. It also provides visual and written examples from actual city and county portfolios that summarize agency investment activities. These examples are given to provide local agencies with illustrations of additional information they may wish to include in their reports, to the extent that it assists their legislative bodies in meeting their fiduciary responsibilities.
  • Investments Under Government Code 53601(k) – Focus on Foreign Issuers
    October 2013 [CDIAC #13-08]
    This Issue Brief examines the permissibility of investment by local agencies in foreign issuer medium-term notes under California Government Code 53601(k) with particular emphasis on making a determination whether the issuer is organized, operating, and licensed in the United States.
  • Investments under Government Code 53601– Focus on Securities Issued by Foreign Entities and Foreign Affiliates – 2025 Update
    February 2025 [CDIAC #25-01]
    The purpose of this brief is to assist local agencies in deciding whether an investment product meets the requirements of Section 53601 regarding the issuer’s affiliation with a foreign entity.
  • Issue Brief: Green Bonds
    September 2014 [CDIAC #14-09]
    Green Bonds are an emerging class of securities local agencies may be interested in issuing or investing in. This brief provides a short summary of Green Bonds, how they are structured, how they differ from traditional bonds, and whether they are viable debt structures or investment instruments for local governments in California.
  • Issue Brief: Securitized Investments - December 2023 Update
    May 2016 [CDIAC #16-05]
    CDIAC offers this issue brief to provide an updated overview of securitized investments, the authorizing statute applicable to different types of securitized investments and the current status of federal regulation affecting the securitized markets.
  • Issuer Application of the Municipal Advisor Rule’s IRMA Exemption
    July 2016 [CDIAC #16-10]
    The Municipal Advisor (MA) Rule regulates how municipal issuers receive advice about debt and investments. Issuers retaining an independent registered municipal advisor (IRMA) and noticing the fact allow for an exemption from the MA Rule’s terms. This issue brief contemplates issuer application of the IRMA exemption by reviewing publicly posted exemption letters.

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  • OPEBs and GASB 45: A Question and Answer Guide
    December 2006 [CDIAC #06-09]
    This Guide addresses basic questions regarding the fiscal challenges facing many state and local governments in funding and accounting for other post employment benefits (OPEBs). It provides general implementation information on Government Accounting Standards Board Rule 45 (GASB 45) and options for addressing OPEB liabilities. It also contains a list of resources for further information.
  • Opportunities to Use Assessment Districts to Finance Facilities and Services in California Today
    July 2015 [CDIAC #2015-07]
    A series of recent court decisions challenging the methods of apportioning general and special benefits used for certain assessments in California has led local agencies to question the viability of assessment financing, which in turn has limited the use of this important financing tool. This report seeks to inform local agencies as well as others in the public finance community about the opportunities for using assessments within the constraints imposed by these decisions.
  • An Overview of Local Government General Obligation Bond Issuance Trends - 2016 Update
    August 2016 [CDIAC #16-14]
    CDIAC conducted a review of local public agency General Obligation (GO) bond issuance activity in California from 2006-2015. As some of the most turbulent years in the municipal market, this report addresses the major influences on local public agency GO issuance activity during this time period. The report updates an earlier report which covered local public agency GO bond issuance trends from 1985 through 2005.
  • An Overview of Local Government General Obligation Bond Issuance Trends (1985-2005)
    April 2008 [CDIAC #08-03]
    This issue brief provides an overview of changes in the volume of long-term local government debt issuance from 1985 to 2005 (focusing on GO bonds), discusses the variation in issuance by issuer and purpose, and identifies where the greatest changes have occurred.

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  • A Preliminary Review of the Initial Disclosure Practices of California’s Conduit Borrowers
    September 2015 [CDIAC #15-08]
    This issue brief reviews the initial disclosure documents of conduit borrowers in the state of California, including a content analysis of those documents to determine the similarities and differences between and among the different sectors of conduit issuance.
  • Practical Considerations and Decision Points for Municipal Lease Financing in California
    June 2023 [CDIAC #23-05]
    This report expands beyond the foundational legal context for lease financing to practical considerations and decision points for municipal lease financing for California public agencies. Topics included in this report include the structure for the lease financing, the organization that acts as lessor for the transaction, selection of the leased asset, setting the amortization schedule, optional remedies and provisions as well as deciding whether it is in the public agency’s best interest to use lease financing in the first place.
  • Preparing Requests for Proposals Issue Brief
    October 1994 [Issue Brief # 3]
    This Issue Brief acquaints public debt issuers with the request for proposal (RFP) process and assists them in developing quality RFPs to procure outside municipal finance services.
  • Principal Protected Notes
    November 2013 [CDIAC #13-10]
    Principal Protected Notes (PPNs) do not meet the requirements of California Government Code, but have been promoted to local agencies as a legal investment alternative providing safety and liquidity with better returns than other medium term notes. This brief provides a description of PPNs, their basic structures, how they work, and why their structures are not allowed under state investment regulations. In addition, the brief offers a discussion of the regulations pertaining to the brokering of PPNs.
  • Privatization vs. Public-Private Partnerships: A Comparative Analysis
    August 2007 [CDIAC #07-04]
    This Issue Brief provides basic information on privatization and public private partnerships to assist public agencies in understanding and evaluating these two financing mechanisms that could be used in the delivery of public projects and/or services. This brief contains examples of both concepts as well as highlights the associated risks and rewards.
  • Proposition 218 and Special Assessments
    September 2019 [CDIAC #19-13]
    In a guest article, author Dean Misczynski exposes the “unintended” consequences of Proposition 218 on the use of assessment financing in California. For more than 150 years local governments have turned to this tool as an efficient and fair means of allocating the cost of paying for improvements ranging from sewer and water systems to roadways. Mr. Misczynski notes that the uncertain construction of Proposition 218 has resulted in recent court decisions that have led to a notable decline in the use of assessment financing.
  • Public Private Partnerships: A Guide to Selecting a Private Partner
    March 2008 [CDIAC #08-02]
    In a public-private partnership (P3) arrangement, government and private entities share responsibility for project or service delivery. This guide provides suggestions for the type of information that could prove useful to a public agency during the partner selection process including defining potential partners, the selection process, partner selection criteria, and the review of potential partner submissions.
  • Public Works Borrowing by Local Agencies 2001-2011
    August 2012 [CDIAC #12-04]
    Local governments fund a diverse array of public projects used to deliver a wide range of essential public services. This paper provides a general view of public works infrastructure financing used by cities, counties, agencies and special districts in California from 2001 through 2011.

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  • Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZABs)
    January 2007 [CDIAC #06-12]
    This Issue Brief provides information on Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZABs). It defines QZABs, provides eligibility and qualification information, explains how QZABs work via an example, discusses administrative considerations and financing requirements, and lists allocation results and additional resources available for further information.
  • Questions for Public Agencies Considering Public-Private Partnerships
    August 2008 [CDIAC #08-08]
    This question and answer guide is intended to help local officials evaluate the conditions and structures under which a P3 may be the best choice for project delivery. The guide addresses basic questions a governing board may have regarding the use of a P3, including an agency’s statutory discretion to enter into a partnership, project characteristics that enhance the likelihood of success with a P3, and public policy issues to be considered before approving the use of a P3.

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  • Task Force on Bond Accountability Final Report
    December 2015 [CDIAC #15-09]
    This Report includes numerous observations based upon public hearings and presentations made to the Task Force on Bond Accountability. It also includes a set of Best Practice Guidelines on the management of bond funds that should serve as a model for public agencies throughout the State as well as the nation.
  • Tobacco Securitization Bond Issuance in California.
    June 2009
    State and local governments receive payments from tobacco companies pursuant to a settlement on tobacco-related health issues. Some California governments have pledged the annual stream of settlement payments to service a bond, a procedure which reduces revenue uncertainty for them. This issue brief summarizes the amount of settlement-secured debt issued in California since 2001.
  • Tools to Revitalize California Communities
    January 2006 [CDIAC #05-10]
    This guide gives local government officials and private parties who are seeking to revitalize their communities the tools that they need to find the appropriate state financing program to assist their situations. It describes select state agency programs that provide community revitalization financing, illustrates real-life examples of how some of these programs have been used, and lists contact information for those interested in pursuing the programs for use in their communities.
  • Top COVID-19 Disclosure “Hacks” Issue Brief
    November 2020 [CDIAC #20-09]
    A common concern arising from municipal issuers relates to disclosure responsibilities to investors, and many issuers have expressed an “analysis paralysis” of whether – and how – to disclose the effects of COVID-19. This issue brief features the results of interviews with several experts in the field about best practices for issuers that are considering disclosure of the effects of COVID-19 on their agencies.
  • Towards a New Understanding of Debt Management: Adopting practices and technologies that meet the expanding obligations of debt issuers
    June 2018 [CDIAC #18-06]
    A special report on the roles and responsibilities of public debt issuers and the benefits of enhanced debt management practices to offset risk and increase the economic and programmatic outcomes of debt financing.
  • Towards a New Understanding of Debt Management: Adopting practices and technologies that meet the expanding obligations of debt issuers
    June 2018 [CDIAC #18-06]
    A special report on the roles and responsibilities of public debt issuers and the benefits of enhanced debt management practices to offset risk and increase the economic and programmatic outcomes of debt financing.
  • Twenty Questions for Municipal Interest Rate Swap Issuers
    April 2005 [CDIAC #05-04]
    This report suggests ten questions for bond issuers to ask of other transaction participants, their swap advisors or financial advisors, and the swap counterparty. In addition, the report suggests ten questions for bond issuers to ask themselves before transacting an interest rate swap.

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  • Understanding Interest Rate Swap Math and Pricing
    January 2007 [CDIAC #06-11]
    This report provides an overview of interest rate swap math and pricing conventions, including information on the interest rate swap market, the swap dealer’s pricing and sales conventions, relevant indices needed to determine pricing, formulas and examples of pricing, and a review of the variables that have an effect on market and termination pricing of an existing swap.
  • Understanding Public Investment Reporting: A Handbook for Local Elected Officials
    November 2003 [CDIAC #03-02]
    This "quick-reference" Handbook is designed to help elected and appointed local government officials, investment oversight committee members, and the agency's legislative body review and interpret investment reports.
  • Understanding the Underwriting Spread Issue Brief
    March 1993 [Issue Brief # 2]
    This Issue Brief defines, illustrates, and describes how to negotiate an underwriting spread.
  • The Use of General Obligation Bonds by the State of California
    September 9, 1987
    This report examines the use of general obligation bonds by the State of California.
  • The Use of Pool Financing Techniques in California: A Look at Joint Issuance Techniques by Public Agencies
    September 1, 1988
    This report presents an historical summary of local pool financings in the State, a glossary of pool terminology, and a description of the different types of pool financing techniques. In addition, several pool programs that illustrate typical pool structures are profiled.
  • The Use of Redevelopment and Tax Increment Financing by Cities and Counties
    October 1984
    This report summarizes findings and conclusions on the use of redevelopment and tax increment financing by cities and counties. Specifically, it provides information on the total amount of tax allocation bond indebtedness and tax increment revenue outstanding for redevelopment agencies; the amount of tax increment revenue received by California redevelopment agencies for the fiscal year; whether or not the State would assume any liability in the event of a redevelopment agency bond default; and the total number of housing units eliminated and provided as a result of redevelopment activity.
  • The Use of Sweep Accounts by California Local Governments
    July 2008 [CDIAC #08-07]
    A sweep account provides a means for earning interest income on unused cash that otherwise might sit idle in a zero-interest checking account. The decision to use a sweep account comes with many choices. This issue brief addresses: determining the appropriate type of investment, necessary account services, and acceptable operational costs or fees. The issue brief also includes the results of an informal survey of local government sweep account usage.

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