GoGreen Home Energy Financing
Helping Californians make their homes more efficient and comfortable

Contact Information
If you have any questions about the California Hub for Energy Efficiency Financing pilot programs, please contact cheef@treasurer.ca.gov or (916) 651-8157.
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Energy Upgrade Financing for California Homeowners and Renters
Formerly known as the Residential Energy Efficiency Loan program, the GoGreen Home Energy Financing program (GoGreen Home) is designed to help Californians save energy at home by making attractive financing more widely available for home energy improvements. GoGreen Home offers a credit enhancement to mitigate the risk of default, which enables participating lenders to offer lower rates, longer payback terms and higher loan amounts, and to approve a broader base of borrowers for energy upgrade loans. Customers may upgrade a single-family home, townhome, condo, duplex, triplex, fourplex or manufactured home.
Of California’s 10 million single-family housing units, about 65% were built before statewide energy efficiency standards took effect in 1978. Policymakers view energy efficiency improvements to single-family residences as an important source of energy savings. More than half the energy used by this segment is for heating water and spaces.
In February 2022 CAEATFA signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Energy Solutions, the implementer of the TECH Clean California Initiative (TECH), a market transformation program designed to accelerate adoption of commercially available, low-emissions space- and water-heating equipment. Learn more about the CAEATFA partnership with TECH on the Additional Funding landing page.
In August 2023, the CPUC issued Decision 23-08-026 authorizing CAEATFA to expand its credit enhancement funds to support financing of clean energy technologies beyond energy efficiency and demand response measures for the GoGreen Financing Programs. By authorizing this expansion, the Commission has enabled the GoGreen Financing Programs to serve as a centralized starting point for Californians to finance comprehensive clean energy projects. As of May 2024, GoGreen Home has begun offering credit enhancements for clean energy technologies such as bundled solar + battery storage as well as EV chargers.
GoGreenFinancing.com is the public face of GoGreen Home. California residents can use the GoGreen Financing online platform to find participating lenders and contractors to finance and install their energy upgrades.
Participating Finance Companies
CAEATFA works with finance companies to provide customers with attractive financing options. The GoGreen Home Approved Lenders chart lists up-to-date rates and terms for GoGreen Home loans available through participating credit unions. The Apply for Financing tool on GoGreenFinancing.com provides information on lender offerings in a user-friendly format.
GoGreen Home financing is currently offered through eight credit unions: California Coast Credit Union, Desert Valleys Federal Credit Union, Diablo Valley Federal Credit Union, First US Community Credit Union, Matadors Community Credit Union, Self-Help Federal Credit Union, Travis Credit Union and Valley Oak Credit Union. Additionally, customers who receive electricity from PG&E, SCE, SDG&E and customers of SoCalGas may instantly finance energy efficient appliances via Eco Financing, a partnership between Lewis & Clark Bank and platform provider Enervee.
Finance companies that are interested in partnering with GoGreen Home should visit the Finance Companies page on GoGreenFinancing.com or contact the GoGreen Home team at cheef@treasurer.ca.gov.
Program Status
The California Public Utilities Commission authorized the Residential Energy Efficiency Loan (REEL) Assistance program to launch as a pilot program in July 2016 and approved its transition to a full program in April 2020. In August 2021 the name of the REEL program was changed to GoGreen Home Energy Financing.
For detailed information on GoGreen Home program activity, visit the CHEEF Reports and Additional Materialspage.
Who Benefits And How?
GoGreen Home is available to owners and tenants of single-family houses, townhomes, condominiums, mobile homes and multiplexes of up to four units where an investor-owned utility (PG&E, SCE, SCG and/or SDG&E) provides (or a Community Choice Aggregator procures) energy.

Through GoGreen Home, homeowners and renters can access more affordable loans for energy upgrades such as bundled solar + battery storage, EV chargers, heat pump HVAC systems, appliances, insulation, new windows and more. View the complete list of Eligible Energy Measures, or EEMs.
Borrowers can also use GoGreen Home financing for limited non-energy improvements like landscaping and remodeling.
Among the hundreds of California households to benefit from the program is the Flores family, pictured on this page. The Floreses financed multiple energy efficiency upgrades for their home, including a tankless water heater and a new furnace, and kept their payments affordable thanks to the program’s advantageous rates and terms. Learn more about their experience on GoGreenFinancing.com.
GoGreen Home Contractors
All GoGreen Home projects (except those eligible for self-install; see the EEMs list for designations) must be completed by an enrolled GoGreen Home contractor. Current contractor listings, updated regularly, may be found through the Find a Contractor tool on GoGreenFinancing.com.
Contractors who are interested in partnering with GoGreen Home should visit the Contractor Resources page or contact the Contractor Support Team at gogreen@frontierenergy.com.
The regulations for the REEL program were initially authorized under the emergency regulations process on March 9, 2015, then were formalized through the regular rulemaking process and approved by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) on April 13, 2016. The regulations were modified on Sept. 17, 2018. OAL approved emergency regulations for additional modifications on May 24, 2021 as well as a non-substantive modification to change the name to GoGreen Home Energy Financing on Aug. 25, 2021. Visit the GoGreen Home regulations webpage for links to the current regulations.
Learn more
Find more information about GoGreen Home at GoGreenFinancing.com.