Debt Issuance Data File by Year Fields
The data is stored in a delimited text file or a Microsoft Excel file. The delimiter is "?" for the text files. An exclamation point in a field indicates more information is available, but did not fit in the field. Contact CDIAC to obtain the rest of the information. The following table defines the various data fields:
CDIAC Number | A | The CDIAC Number is a unique sequential number that, along with the issue year (the year in which the issue was entered into the CDIAC database) identifies the issue. This number is assigned by the system at the time the issue is added to the CDIAC database. The number is reset to 1 at the beginning of each new calendar year. |
Issuer | B | The name of the agency which is issuing the debt. |
County Name | C | The name of the county in which the issuing agency is located. State issues, multiple county issues, etc. are identified as such in this field. |
Issue Status | D | This file contains issues with only a sold status. |
State Tax Status | E | The field will indicate if the issue is state taxable, or it will be left blank if the issue is tax-exempt. |
Federal Tax Status | F | The field will indicate if the issue is federally taxable, subject to alternative minimum tax, or will be blank if the issue is federally tax-exempt. |
Sale Date | G | This field will contain the sale date of an issue. |
Sale Type | H | This field will contain either Comp indicating a competitive bid or Neg for negotiated sale or private placement. |
Private Placement | I | If this field indicates “Yes” the debt was issued or entered into through a private sale or lending transaction, or if “No” the debt was issued through a public sale. |
Debt Type | J | The description of the type of debt being sold. |
Principal Amount | K | The amount of debt being sold. |
Source of Repayment | L | The description of the source of repayment. |
Purpose of Debt | M | The description of the purpose of the debt. |
Refunding Amount | N | If this issue is refunding another issue, this dollar amount will be the amount of the issue to be used for refunding. If this field is blank then the issue is not refunding another debt issue. |
TIC Interest | O | This field contains the true interest cost, or it will be blank if true interest cost was not provided or could not be calculated (i.e., a variable rate). |
NIC Interest | P | This field contains the net interest cost, or it will be blank if net interest cost was not provided or could not be calculated (i.e., a variable rate). |
Interest Type | Q | This field indicates a variable interest rate or “O” for Other Interest. |
Other Interest | R | This field contains interest that was not reported as a TIC, NIC, or variable rate. |
Project | S | The name of the project that the issue is funding. (May be blank if none has been stated by the Issuer.) |
Maturity Type | T | The maturity type of the issue. This field will indicate either serial bonds; term bond or note; or comb for a combination of serial and term bonds, two term bonds or other types of structured financing; or, a blank for unknown. |
CAB | U | If this field indicates “Yes” if all or a portion of the financing was comprised of capital appreciation bonds, or if “No” capital appreciation bonds were not sold. |
Maturity Date | V | The final maturity for the issue. This date is not always known, so it may appear as blanks in some instances. |
Standard & Poor's Rating | W | If Standard & Poor's has rated the issue, the rating will appear. If it is not rated by S&P, or the rating is unknown, it will be blank. |
Moodys Rating | X | If Moody's has rated the issue, the rating will appear here. If it is not rated by Moodys, or the rating is unknown, it will be blank. |
Fitch Rating | Y | If Fitch has rated the issue, the rating will appear here. If it is not rated by Fitch, or the rating is unknown, it will be blank. |
Other Rating | Z | This field will be used to list any other rating the issue may have. |
Financial Advisor | AA | The name of the financial advisor. This field will be blank if there is no financial advisor or the financial advisor is not known. |
Issue Insurance/Guarantor Flag | AB | A flag indicating if the issue is guaranteed. This field will contain LOC for letter of credit, T for State Intercept Program, Ins for insurance, Oth for other, or a blank for unknown or not guaranteed. |
Issue Guarantor | AC | The name of the guarantor of the issue. This field may be blank if the issue is not guaranteed or if the guarantor is unknown. |
Underwriter | AD | The name of the underwriter. This field may be blank if the underwriter is not known. |
Bond Counsel | AE | The name of the issuer's bond counsel. This field may be blank if the bond counsel is not known. |
Co-Bond Counsel | AF | The name of the issuer’s co-bond counsel. This filed may be blank if the co-bond counsel is not known. |
Purchaser | AG | The name of the purchasing or lending firm in a private sale or lending transaction. |
Borrower Counsel | AH | The name of the counsel representing the issuer/borrower, when the debt is a loan from a bank or other institution. |
Issue Trustee | AI | The name of the issue's trustee. This field may be blank if the trustee is not known. |
DEBT LINE Month | AJ | The month the information appeared in DEBT LINE. Composed of a three character month and two digit year. In addition, there may be a # or + sign after the two digit year. The # sign indicates the issue was entered as a proposed and sold issue in the same DEBT LINE month. The + sign indicates the issue has appeared as a sold issue in a previous DEBT LINE month, but required reprinting due to updated information. |