CDIAC Public Investment Webinar Series: The Public Investment Portfolio
A Step-by-Step Examination of Public Investment Securities
This CDIAC investment webinar series is designed to guide public agencies in the development and management of an investment portfolio. Public fund management in California allows for the investment officer to select instruments set forth in Government Code sections 16429.1, 53601, 53601.6, 53601.7, 53601.8, 53635, 53635.2, 53638 and 53684. Each investment instrument comes with a differing level of risk, requiring public investors to undertake a full assessment of each. To help public investment officials in this process, CDIAC intends to provide a series of webinars that focus on major investment categories and the investment options within each. These webinars will examine each instrument type, review the statutory authority, and analyze how the investment’s features may or may not achieve a local agency’s investment policy objectives.
Note: This series is a companion to CDIAC’s Public Investment Primer and Local Agency Investment Guidelines.
To register for multiple webinars, use the shopping cart feature through CDIAC’s online registration system.
- Cost: FREE
Webinar Dates
Webinar 1: Treasuries - May 21
Webinar 2: Agencies - June 17
Webinar 3: Municipals - June 24
Webinar 4: Money Markets
Part 1: Banker’s Acceptances, Commercial Paper - July 8
Part 2: Certificates of Deposit, Deposit Placement Services and Collateralized Bank Deposits - Postponed to September 9
Part 3: Repurchase Agreements, Reverse Repos and Securities Lending - Aug 5
Webinar 5: Corporates - Aug 19
Webinar 6: Asset-Backed Securities, Mortgage-Backed Securities, Collateralized Mortgage Obligations - Sept 2
Webinar 7: Mutual Funds, Money Market Mutual Funds and Local Government Pooled Investments - Sept 16
Recommended Readings
- California Public Fund Investment Primer, CDIAC No.09-02
- Local Agency Investment Guidelines: Update for 2015, CDIAC No.15.02
- Managing Market Risk in Investment Portfolios, Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), October 2009
- Using Commercial Paper in Investment Portfolios, GFOA, October 2009
- Establishing a Policy for Repurchase Agreements, GFOA, October 2010
- Monitoring the Value of Securities in Repurchase Agreements, GFOA, February 2006
- Securities Lending Agreements Issue Brief, CDIAC No.05-05
- Local Government Investment Pools, GFOA, October 2008
- Presenting Securities Lending Transactions in Financial Statements, GFOA, January 1998
- Managing Interest Rate Risk in a Fixed Income Portfolio, CDIAC No. 08-11
- Duration Basics, CDIAC No. 06-10
- Principal Protected Notes, CDIAC No. 13-10
- A Primer on Floating-Rate Notes, Fannie Mae, March/April 2011
- Local Agencies' Ability to Buy Their Own Debt – A Digest, CDIAC NO. 13-03
- Supranational Securities: A Panacea for California Code?, Chandler Asset Management, October 2014
- Demystifying Supranationals, The World Bank Treasury, November 2014
- Guide to Agency & Government-Related Securities, Lehman Brothers
- Assessment of Local Government Investment Pools: A Survey of California County Pools, CDIAC, January 2000
Disclaimer: The information presented in this webinar series is intended to assist public investment professionals. The content presented is informational and does not constitute investment advice or the recommendation to invest in any or all of the investment instruments discussed. When choosing an investment instrument for a public portfolio, the whole portfolio, investment policy, suitability, financial needs of the public agency and any associated risks should be considered. In addition, the information in each webinar is set to reflect the period in time in which it is presented and any changes that may affect any of the instruments discussed, such as legislation, reform or market conditions, or that may alter the relevancy of any of these webinars, will not be reflective in the post archival recordings. In such instances, viewers should be advised to use the information only as a reference as no updates to the recordings will be made. Please consult the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission’s publication, Local Agency Investment Guidelines for any interpretive updates.