Appeals Procedures
At least twenty-five (25) calendar days prior to any meeting at which the Committee will award Allocations, the Executive Director will post a preliminary list of Applicants for which the Executive Director expects to recommend an Allocation (and the amount of those Allocations) in ranked order. This list will identify the points earned by each Applicant in all categories for which points are awarded, including the Applicant’s aggregate total points. The list will be posted under the Current Program Year within Preliminary Recommendations. Any Applicant or Project Sponsor who wishes to appeal the recommendation or ranking pertaining to that Applicant’s or Project Sponsor’s Application may file an appeal with the Executive Director within five (5) business days of the date on which the preliminary list is posted. The appeal letter must be submitted to The only ground for an appeal is a dispute in the awarding of or failure to award points. The appeal must set forth in reasonable detail the factual basis for the appeal. No new or additional information may be provided to or considered by the Executive Director in connection with the appeal.
After deciding all appeals, the Executive Director will notify each Applicant who appealed of the decision of the Executive Director on the appeal. At least ten (10) calendar days before the Committee meeting at which Allocations will be made, the Executive Director will post a final list of Applicants for which Allocations will be recommended (and the amounts of those Allocations) in ranked order. This list will reflect changes, if any, in ranking resulting from the appeals. The list will be posted under the Current Program Year within Final Recommendations.
Any Applicant or Project Sponsor who timely appealed the Executive Director’s preliminary determination and is dissatisfied with the Executive Director’s final recommendation in connection with the Application, may present its case to the Committee at the meeting at which the Application is considered, provided that the Applicant or Project Sponsor notifies the Executive Director, in writing, of its intention to do so at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting. An Applicant’s or Project Sponsor’s written notification must be submitted to
An Applicant and Project Sponsor may only appeal the scoring of their own Application(s).