Roles and Responsibilities
Allocation Distribution
In accordance with the CDLAC Procedures, at the beginning of each calendar year the Committee must establish and announce the amounts the Committee expects to be apportioned to each of the State Ceiling Pools and the amounts that are expected to be available in each of the allocation rounds for the program year. In establishing the amounts for the pools, the Committee may consider the past year's results and legislative priorities. The Committee continues to have legislative priorities to:
- Promote housing for lower income families and individuals;
- Preserve and rehabilitate existing governmental assisted housing for lower income families and individuals; and
- Provide mortgage tax credits or reduced interest rate mortgages to assist teachers, principals, vice principals, assistant principals, and classified employees who are willing to serve in high priority schools to purchase a home.
Critical Calendar Dates
Public Allocation Meetings: The Committee conducts its business in a public meeting forum. The Committee meets as soon as practicable after the beginning of each calendar year, and before any Applications are considered, the Committee determines and announces the establishment of either an open application process or an allocation round process or both. The Committee will determine which process is best for each program based on the estimated competition and characteristics of each pool.