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Staff Reports/Other Items for January 26, 2023 Meeting
- Agenda Item #2, Meeting Minutes – December 1, 2022 (DRAFT)
- Agenda Item #3, Bond Delegation of Powers Update, CommonSpirit Health
- Agenda Item #3, Community Services Infrastructure Delegation of Powers Update, County of Riverside
- Agenda Item #3, Nondesignated Public Hospital Bridge Loan Program II Update
- Resolution No. CHP-4 2023-01, Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital
- Resolution No. HII-342, Sonoma Valley Health Care District
- Resolution No. HII-343, Castle Family Health Centers, Inc.
- First Amendment to Resolution No. HII-338, Fred Brown’s Recovery Services, Inc.
- Second Amendment to Resolution No. HII-334, Heritage Group Homes, Inc.
- Resolution No. CSI 2023-01 and CSI 2023-02, Community Services Infrastructure Grant Program, Third Funding Round Final Allocations, Executive Summary
- Agenda Item #11, Investment In Mental Health Wellness Act of 2013, County of Los Angeles, Quarterly Update
- Agenda Item #12, Specialty Dental Clinic Grant Program (Information Item)