Information for Financial Institutions About CalCAP Zero-Emission Heavy-Duty Programs
CalCAP ZEHDV, CalCAP ZEHDI, and CalCAP ZETBIF Participation for Financial Institutions
The CalCAP Zero-Emission Heavy-Duty Programs provide participating financial institutions (PFIs) with post-disbursement credit enhancements when they make loans to smaller fleets for eligible zero-emission vehicles and warranties, and eligible zero-emission infrastructure and warranties.
- Financial institution application to join CalCAP ZEHDV, CalCAP ZEHDI, and CalCAP ZETBIF (and the other CalCAP programs)
- Types of eligible financial institutions
- PFI/Lender Contact List: All CalCAP Programs including CalCAP ZEHDV, ZEHDI, and ZETBIF
Forms and Tools for PFIs
Forms and tools for PFIs, including loan enrollment, borrower certification, lender certification, reports, and claims: