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May 8, 2019 Staff Reports and Resolutions
- Agenda Item 4 - Resolution No. 19-12 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of School Facility Revenue Bonds in an Amount Not to Exceed $65,000,000 to Finance and/or Refinance the Acquisition, Construction, Expansion, Remodeling, Renovation, Improvement, Furnishing, and /or Equipping of Educational Facilities Located in Los Angeles County, California for KIPP SoCal Public Schools.
- Agenda Item 5 - Resolution No. 19-13 - Approval of Financial Soundness Determination for EJE Middle Academy, located in San Diego County, for an Advance Apportionment through the Charter School Facilities Program
- Agenda Item 6 - Resolution No. 19-14 - Approval of Financial Soundness Determination for Rise Kohyang Middle School, located in Los Angeles County, for an Preliminary Apportionment through the Charter School Facilities Program