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September 30 2021 Staff Reports and Resolutions
- Agenda Item 5 – Resolution Of The California School Finance Authority Authorizing a loan to The Authority in an amount not to exceed $8,500,000, The Issuance by the Authority of a promissory note evidencing the obligations of the Authority in connection with such loan, and a loan from the Authority to Fortune Facilities LLC, to finance working capital for Fortune Facilities LLC relating to Rex and Margaret Fortune School of Education, in Sacramento County, providing the terms and conditions for such loans and promissory note and other matters relating thereto, and authorizing the execution of certain documents in connection therewith (Action Item)
- Agenda Item 6 – Authorizing the Issuance of Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $36,000,000 to finance and/or refinance the acquisition, construction, expansion, remodeling, renovation, improvement, furnishing and/or equipping of educational facilities located in Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Alameda, San Mateo and Los Angeles Counties for use by Aspire Public Schools. (Action Item)
- Agenda Item 7- Adoption of Proposed Regulations for the State Charter School Facility Grant Program (Senate Bill 740 Program) (Action Item)