Home ->> CSFA ->> Meetings ->> 2021 CSFA Meetings ->> Staff Reports and Resolutions
November 29, 2021 Staff Reports and Resolutions
- Agenda Item 4 - Board Item Authorizing the Issuance of Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $55,000,000 to finance and/or refinance the acquisition, construction, expansion, remodeling, renovation, improvement, furnishing and/or equipping of educational facilities located in Orange County for use by Vista Condor Global Academy & Vista Heritage Global Academy (Action Item)
- Agenda Item 5 - Approving the Credit Enhancement Award (CDFA #84.354A) in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,000,000 to Vista Condor Global Academy located in Orange County (Action Item)
- Agenda Item 6 - Approving the Credit Enhancement Award (CDFA #84.354A) in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,000,000 to Vista Heritage Global Academy located in Orange County (Action Item)
- Agenda Item 7 - Financial Soundness Determination for Manzanita Public Charter, located in Santa Barbara County, for an Final Apportionment through the Charter School Facilities Program (Action Item)