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December 15, 2022 Staff Reports and Resolutions
- Agenda Item 4 - Resolution of the California School Finance Authority Authorizing Amendments to an Indenture and Loan Agreement Relating to its School Facility Revenue Bonds (KIPP SoCal Projects) Series 2020A to Amend the Project description by adding a New Educational Facility located in Los Angeles County, California for use by KIPP SoCal Public Schools (Action Item)
- Agenda Item 5 - Resolution of the California School Finance Authority authorizing the execution and delivery of an Amended and Restated Loan Agreement and an Amended and Restated Indenture in connection with its outstanding Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds (River Springs Charter School), Series 2017A to substitute the borrower and to provide for the new borrower to lease the financed facilities in Riverside County, California to River Springs Charter School (Action Item)
- Agenda Item 6 - Resolution of the California School Finance Authority Authorizing the Issuance of Revenue Bonds in An Amount Not to Exceed $6,500,000 To Finance And/or Refinance the Acquisition, Construction, Expansion, Remodeling, Renovation, Improvement, Furnishing and Equipping of Educational Facilities Located in Riverside County for Use by River Springs Charter School (Action Item)
- Agenda Item 7 - Approval of Financial Soundness Determination of Final Apportionment through the Charter School Facilities Program for Aspire Public Schools on behalf of Aspire Berkeley Maynard Academy located in Alameda County (Action Item)
- Agenda Item 8 - Approval of Financial Soundness Determination of Final Apportionment through the Charter School Facilities Program for St. Hope Public Schools on behalf of St. Hope Public School #7 located in Sacramento County (Action Item)
- Agenda Item 9 - Approval of Financial Soundness Determination of Final Apportionment through the Charter School Facilities Program for Leadership Public Schools on behalf of LPS Oakland R & D located in Alameda County (Action Item)
- Agenda Item 10 - Adoption of Proposed Permanent Regulations for the Charter Financing Enhancement Program (Charter FinE Program) (CFDA #84.354A) (Action Item)
- Agenda Item 11 - Adoption of the Emergency Regulations for the Charter School Facility Grant Program (Senate Bill 740 Program) (Action Item)