Investment Division

PMIA logo                Time Deposits logo                LAIF logo

Select any of the graphs below to view more detailed information or to print the graph in PDF format.

Pooled Money Investment Account

Market Value of PMIA Funds*

Line chart comparing market value of PMIA funds with BV
*as of dates indicated

PMIA Portfolio Composition - 01/31/2025
Total: $162.9 Billion
(chart dollars in millions)

Pie chart showing PMIA portfolio composition

Line chart showing average monthly yield comparison

Time Deposit Program

Time Deposit Program Participation Information as of 12/31/2024

Institution Size # of Institutions Total Deposits
Total Assets % of TD Program % of TD Program
< $5 billion 62.3% 31.9%
$5-10 billion 18.9% 29.5%
$10-20 billion 9.4% 13.8%
$20-50 billion 7.5% 19.7%
> $50 billion 1.9% 5.9%

Local Agency Investment Fund

LAIF Participation as of 02/28/25
2,335 Agencies

Pie chart showing LAIF participation

LAIF Balance by Type as of 02/28/2025

Total $22.33 billion
(chart dollars in millions)

Pie chart showing LAIF Balance by Type