Centralized Treasury and Securities Management Division
Electronic Check Image and Deposit Programs
Designed to decrease the resources needed to transport deposits to the bank and allow agencies to view deposited images online.

Contact Information
Image Cash Letter/Remote Site Deposit
Anne Peery: 916-653-8865
Rene DeAlba: 916-653-2501
The State Treasurer's Office (STO) supports the implementation of Image Cash Letter (ICL) and Remote Site Deposit (RSD) processing for check imaging and making deposits into the Centralized Treasury System (CTS).
The technology removes the need to physically transport deposits to a bank, allows agencies to view deposit images online, and provides accurate electronic deposit information for invested funds. Electronic images and deposits are less costly to process than manually processed deposits. In addition, the system helps avoid missed deposit cut-off times by permitting deposits to be made up until 8 p.m. Pacific Time for same-day ledger credit.
The ICL process should be used by agencies with a high daily volume of 1,000 or more checks for deposit. The RSD should be used by agencies that deposit any amount of checks up to 1,000 checks daily.
The STO will serve as the liaison between State agencies and depository banks during implementation of the electronic deposit process. Agencies should contact STO for more information.