2021 Debt Issuance and Public Investment Webinars, Seminars and Conferences

The availability of affordable housing is key to building and maintaining evolving and diverse economies that are able to endure inevitable economic cycles. Thriving local economies are the engines that drive the financial capacity to meet community service level expectations, finance capital projects, and maintain long-term financial sustainability. This program will explore many of the finance-related obstacles that are constraining the availability of affordable housing, the implications for local public financial planning, and the opportunities to overcome the challenges of the housing crisis with new and innovative public finance policy and approaches.
CMTA and CDIAC Fundamentals of Public Funds Investing

Local agency officials tasked with managing a public funds investment portfolio must incorporate their fiduciary role with fundamental investment concepts and planning to safeguard the principal and liquidity needs of their agency. Join the California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA) and the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC) in an interactive six-part webinar series that will provide the fundamental concepts, tools, and strategies necessary to manage and oversee public investment portfolios.
* The complete program, including replays, transcripts, and slides, is available in the CDIAC Education Portal. Registration required but program is free.