2024 Debt Issuance and Public Investment Webinars, Seminars and Conferences
Practical Adaptations to the Evolution of Credit Ratings

Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Event Page | Slides
The use of credit ratings and the role of rating agencies have changed over time as market needs and expectations have evolved. Multiple rating agencies have made significant changes to their methodologies over the past few years to better account for common challenges faced by municipal issuers with a focus tuned more to the sector as opposed to the security. Ratings practices and methods have also had to respond to investors’ calls for increased transparency. This webinar will examine how credit rating trends have evolved over time and how issuers may consider adapting their approach to the rating process to position their issuance for the best possible ratings outcome.
The 23rd Annual CDIAC Pre-Conference to
The Bond Buyer’s 34th Annual California Public Finance Conference:
The Pursuit of Fair and Efficient Pricing

October 23, 2024
San Francisco, CA
Event Details |
Agenda | Slides
Municipal issuers are called to achieve the objectives of their plan of finance at the lowest possible borrowing cost. Achieving this goal requires the pricing and sale of securities into a fair and efficient market, yet the US municipal securities market is characterized as illiquid, opaque, and asymmetric. This program will examine the empirical evidence of new issuance pricing inequities and explore new opportunities for overcoming the market inefficiencies. It will also present the legal and regulatory guardrails that were designed to establish expectations within the financing team for how a fair, transparent, and suitable process ought to unfold. Lastly, experienced issuers, municipal advisors, and underwriters will provide insight from their respective sides of the table on the practices they have employed to achieve fair and equitable pricing outcomes.
Annual Municipal Disclosure Training

October 15, 2024
Slides | Webinar Replay | Transcript
Annual disclosure training is a best practice for agency officials that are directly involved in disclosure and any officials that may be in a position to “speak to the market.” This webinar, the first annual, will focus on the fundamental elements of strong disclosure practices at the enterprise level and discuss the risks to the public agency and its officials of disclosure failures. In addition to explaining the legal foundations, speakers will provide examples of how good disclosure practices are implemented across the organization. Speakers will also brief participants on the new and emerging disclosure topics that issuers should be monitoring during the year.
Municipal Debt Essentials

September 24–26, 2024
Pomona, CA
Event Details and Slides
This three-day seminar provides a comprehensive overview of municipal debt financing, from foundational concepts to advanced topics in debt issuance and ongoing administration. Participants will explore key elements of debt financing, the mechanics of bond sales, and crucial responsibilities for post-issuance compliance. Through lectures, case studies, and hands-on exercises, the seminar aims to equip government officers with the knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of municipal debt effectively.
Current Topics and Practices
in Land-secured and Development Finance

May 22, 2024
Pomona, CA
Event Details |
Slides | Agenda
For many years, land-secured financing has been a critical public finance tool in the development of new homes across the state, but more recently it has become an accepted mechanism to provide public services and to address calls for non-traditional solutions to California’s housing crisis. The integration of community facilities districts and tax increment districts have also led to the development of potent long-term financing strategies for infrastructure, housing, and economic development. This program builds from the fundamental land-secured topics to examine current district formation, finance, and administration practices, and explores the strategic application of land-secured and tax increment financing tools to meet a variety of current public finance challenges.
CDIAC Presents a Webinar...
Arbitrage Risks and Opportunities
in the Current Market

March 21, 2024
Event Details |
Slides | Webinar Replay
This webinar will discuss arbitrage opportunities in the context of the current market environment and the implications of the presence of positive arbitrage on debt and investment management strategies for public agencies. Speakers will comment on considerations for applying positive arbitrage as a potential cost-saving strategy when issuing or refinancing debt while mindfully complying with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements for arbitrage rebate and yield restriction. Speakers will also explore different debt structures that utilize positive arbitrage in the context of the rebate process, options to manage arbitrage allowances, the private use of government funds, and IRS audits.

Fundamentals of Public Funds Investing

February 28-29,
Livermore, California
Event Details
and Slides
This seminar provides the fundamental concepts, tools, and strategies necessary to manage and oversee public investment portfolios. Panelists will address the components of portfolio management, including roles and responsibilities of practitioners, understanding permitted investments, establishing policy objectives, and managing cash flow. In addition, panelists will address structuring and diversifying an investment portfolio, benchmarking, and best practices in portfolio accounting, disclosure, and reporting.