California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission

Municipal Market Disclosure:
Fundamentals and Evolving Practices

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April 8-9, 2025
Crowne Plaza Costa Mesa Orange County
3131 Bristol Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Agenda | Registration

Public agency disclosure is critical to promoting transparency in the municipal securities market. Investors must be informed of the risks related to an agency’s revenues and financial condition, but disclosure obligations are expanding to include emerging economic and regulatory risks. This seminar seeks to assist public agency officials and other market professionals in improving their understanding of the policy and regulatory environment surrounding municipal disclosure and how that environment may change in the future.

Day one of this seminar will focus on the fundamentals of disclosure, covering current rules for primary and continuing disclosure practices by public agencies including reporting requirements to CDIAC. Day two will focus on navigating evolving disclosure best practices in various areas of risk, including cyber and climate, through the lens of maintaining an effective disclosure team for risk assessment. Also, day two will bring participants current with the implementation of the Federal Data Transparency Act.

Registration and Pricing

Pricing Standard
Full Program Registration

March 1 - April 8, 2025
Single Day Registration
Public Sector $400 $200
Private Sector $600 $450

Lodging Information

Crowne Plaza Costa Mesa Orange County | Prices start at $169 +tax
3131 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

A limited number of rooms have been discounted for CDIAC seminar attendees. All rooms are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. The cut-off for this discount is Monday, March 17, 2025. Additional room block details and a booking link will be included in your registration confirmation email.


  • Margaret (Margie) Backstrom, Managing Director, Fixed Income Division, Morgan Stanley
  • Marc Bauer, Partner, Orrick, Herrington, & Sutcliffe LLP
  • Robert Berry, Executive Director, CDIAC
  • Daniel (Dan) Deaton, Partner, Nixon Peabody LLP
  • Renee Dougherty, CFA, Director of Municipal Research, Charles Schwab Asset Management
  • Tara Dunn, Manager, Policy Research Unit, CDIAC
  • Brian Garzione, Partner, Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
  • Jay Goldstone, Financial Services Advisor, Self-employed
  • Paulina Haro, Senior Project Advisor, Governmental Accounting Standards Board
  • Donald (Don) Hester, CISSP, CISA, CGRC, CRISC, Cybersecurity Advisor, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
  • Jacquelynne (Jacqui) Jennings, Partner, ArentFox Schiff LLP
  • Brian McCartan, Senior Fellow, Ceres, Inc.
  • Diane Quan, Partner, Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
  • Dave Sanchez, Director, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Nikolai Sklaroff, Capital Finance Director, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Commissioner, CDIAC
  • Samuel (Sam) Smalls, Treasury and Debt Manager, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
  • David Song, Associate, Nixon Peabody LLP
  • Krystal Tena, Associate Director, S&P Global Ratings
  • Sean Tierney, Partner, Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP
  • Amanda TrussellPrincipal Administrative Analyst, County of San Bernardino
  • Anna Van Degna, Public Finance Director, City and County of San Francisco
  • Jan Whittington, PhD, Associate Professor of Urban Design and Planning Department, Director of the Urban Infrastructure Lab, Associate of Tech Policy Lab, University of Washington, Seattle
  • Daniel (Dan) L. Wiles, Board Member, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
  • Matthew Wingert, Budget Manager, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Full Speaker Biographies

Resources and Recommended Readings

Seminar Information

Seminar Policies

  1. Cancellation/Transfer: Contact if you need to cancel or transfer your registration. Refund/Cancellation requests must be received by Monday, March 10, 2025. However, substitution of officials or staff from the same entity is permitted. CDIAC reserves the right to cancel registrations associated with an outstanding balance within the last week of the registration period if the registrant has not directly communicated with CDIAC staff.
  2. Agenda Information: CDIAC reserves the right to replace or cancel speakers or make any other changes to the agenda without notice. All information is subject to change.

Certificate and Continuing Education Credits

  1. Certified California Municipal Treasurer (CCMT) Designation: Attendees can submit their Certificate of Attendance to the California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA) to earn credits towards the CDIAC training requirement of the CCMT designation from CMTA.
  2. Certificate of Attendance: CDIAC will issue a Certificate of Attendance for each day of the program to those who sign in at the registration desk. Certificates will be issued within 2 weeks after the program. Participants can submit their Certificate of Attendance to their governing entity to request credits. CDIAC’s education programs are accepted by many governing entities as certifiable. Certificates of Attendance will not be issued to attendees with an outstanding balance until the balance is paid in full.
  3. County Treasurers/Tax Collectors: Under California Government Code Section 27000.8, CDIAC’s educational programs are a source for California county treasurers, tax collectors, or treasurer/tax collectors to obtain continuing education credits.
  4.  Continuing Professional Education (CPE) | Accountants: CDIAC is not an approved provider of CPE credits. However, certificates of attendance can be submitted to your governing entity to request credits.
  5. Minimum Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Credits | Attorneys: CDIAC is an approved provider of MCLE credits. Day 1 of this program is approved for 3.75 general credits. Day 2 is not approved for MCLE credits.

Contact Information

If you have questions about this program, please contact CDIAC at