2020 Sustainable Building Method and Minimum Construction Standards for Energy Efficiency
The Sustainable Building Method and Energy Efficiency Requirements Workbook (Workbook) is a tool to assist energy consultants and project development team members in preparing and implementing the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee's (CTCAC’s) minimum construction standards related to energy efficiency and CTCAC sustainable building method (SBM) point scoring requirements. The Workbook is a required submission for CTCAC 4% rehabilitation projects fulfilling the requirements of CTCAC minimum construction standards and for certain 9% project SBM point scoring categories. Refer to CTCAC Regulation Sections 10325(f)(7), 10325(c)(5)(D), 10325(c)(5)(G), and 10327(c)(5)(B) for Workbook submission requirements
The Workbook includes the following:
For all projects:
For all projects:
- CTCAC Existing Multifamily Assessment Protocols
- CTCAC Existing Multifamily Assessment Report Template
Applicants must include all required Application documentation with their tax credit application. Owners are expected to comply with the Workbook instructions during project construction/rehabilitation and to include the appropriate documentation when submitting placed in service packages. The documents may be periodically updated (usually once per year), and project team members should comply with the standards in effect at the time of the tax credit reservation. All project applicants must submit the required Workbook documents with the project’s application and final Workbook documentation with the project’s placed in service package. CTCAC staff will send email notifications when updating this webpage. If you would like to be informed of updates, please subscribe to our mailing list.