March 2019 Articles
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- April 2019
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Upcoming BCA Events

CalABLE, or California Achieving a Better Life Experience Program, provides Californians and out-of-state residents with disabilities a way to save for disability related expenses in tax-advantaged investments while protecting their eligibility for means-tested public benefits programs.
March 27 - 6:30 PM
CalABLE Presentation to Marin Autism Collaborative
Marin County Office of Education - 1111 Las Gallinas Avenue, San Rafael
RSVP to Janet Lawson, Autistry Studios,
April 3, 2019 - 4 PM
Laurel Ruff Transition School Open House & Information Fair
5325 Garfield Ave., Sacramento

CDLAC, or the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee, has programs used to finance affordable housing developments for low-income Californians, as well as to build solid waste disposal and waste recycling facilities.
April 17 - 2 PM
CDLAC and CTCAC present agency statistics, trends, and updates Housing California 2019
Sacramento Convention Center

The California Educational Facilities Authority (CEFA) provides private, nonprofit higher education institutions with the assistance needed to reduce the cost of financing the construction of campus facilities through a tax-exempt revenue bond program.
April 25 - 1:30 PM
CEFA Board Meeting
915 Capitol Mall, Room 587, Sacramento
April 25 - 1:45 PM
CHFFA Board Meeting
(Immediately following CEFA board meeting above.)
915 Capitol Mall, Room 587, Sacramento

The California Health Facilities Financing Authority (CHFFA) provides financial assistance to public and non-profit health care providers through loans, grants and tax-exempt bonds.
April 30 - 5 PM
Community Services Infrastructure Grant Program Application Deadline
915 Capitol Mall, Room 435, Sacramento

The California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA) has been providing low-cost innovative financing to California businesses since 1972 with an objective of making California more economically prosperous and environmentally clean.
March 27 - 29
CALED 39th Annual Training Conference Sheraton Park Hotel at the Anaheim Resort
1855 South Harbor Blvd, Anaheim
April 5 - 9:30 AM
San Gabriel Valley Small Business Seminar
Rowland Unified Board Room, 1830 Nogales St., Rowland Heights
Register Online:

ScholarShare 529
ScholarShare 529 enables Californians to save for college by helping them to establish tax-advantaged investment accounts. Through its Scholar Dollars Program it also makes grants to K-8 schools to build and maintain innovative programs that foster a college-going culture and enhance extracurricular activities.
April 4 - 1 PM
ScholarShare Investment Board Meeting
915 Capitol Mall, Room 587, Sacramento
Pooled Money Investment Board
Through the Pooled Money Investment Account (PMIA), the State Treasurer invests taxpayers’ money to manage the state’s cash flow and strengthen the financial security of local governmental entities.
April 17 - 10 AM
Board Meeting
915 Capitol Mall, Room 587, Sacramento
Meeting Agendas and Documents:

The California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA) provides financing for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, energy conservation, and advanced manufacturing technologies. Programs range from tax incentives for manufacturers to helping our building stock become more green. The California Hub for Energy Efficiency (CHEEF) provides lower cost financing for energy efficiency investments for homeowners, small businesses, and affordable multifamily housing. More information can be found at
March 27-29, 2019 - 10- , 7:30- ,8 AM
CALED – CA Assoc. for Local Economic Development Conference
Sheraton Park Hotel at the Anaheim Resort, 1855 South Harbor Blvd., Anaheim
Phone: 866-837-4197
March 29, 2019 - 9 AM
Southern California Edison (SCE) – Trade Professional Kickoff Meeting
6090 North Irwindale Ave, Irwindale, CA
April 16 - 10:30 AM
CAEATFA Board Meeting
801 Capitol Mall, Room 150, Sacramento
Telephone participation: (877) 810-9415 / Code: 6535126