September 2019 Articles
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Letter from Treasurer Ma
September 2019

Dear friends,
The State Treasurer’s Office (STO) and the California Debt & Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC), whose board I chair, have sponsored the Bond Buyer’s Annual California Public Finance Conference for 19 years. It is just one way that we fulfill CDIAC’s statutory purpose of furthering the education of the public and financial officers on public financing.
This year’s pre-conference will be held on September 23 in San Francisco and I will be giving the luncheon address.
The pre-conference will focus on the disclosure responsibilities of public debt issuers under federal securities law. It offers finance officers, who must be good stewards of taxpayer dollars, access to workshops that offer a single-minded, gritty focus on the ramifications of issuing public debt. This debt pays for everything from airports to recreational parks.
CDIAC Executive Director Mark Campbell and I place a high priority on making such data and expertise publicly available, which is why we provide educational videos, seminars and webinars throughout the year. CDIAC also offers a wealth of public information on its website.
This data is not just for experts. There is plenty of useful information for taxpayers, too. For example, DebtWatch allows you to research and view the debt taken on by your city, county, school board, special district, and much more. You can visit DebtWatch here:
I think you will agree that this is a great way to provide greater transparency in government. And I welcome you to check it out!
In Peace & Friendship,
California State Treasurer