August 2020 Articles
Newsletter Downloads
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Upcoming BCA Events
August 7
California Debt Limit Allocation Committee
9 AM | 915 Capitol Mall, Room 587, Sacramento, CA
Public Participation Call-In Number* (888) 557-8511 | Participant Code: 5651115
Teleconference information, other scheduled BCA meetings, agendas, deadlines for grants, and more, may be accessed as the information is posted or updated on the Treasurer’s website:
Additional BCA meetings in August: CalABLE (Aug. 18), CDLAC (Aug. 7), CHFFA (Aug. 27), CSFA (Aug. 27). Meeting date and times may change; please check the BCA links included here for such notices, as well as for teleconference details.
BCA webinars in August: CalABLE (Aug. 19) | CalSavers (weekly) | CSFA (Aug. 25) | ScholarShare (Aug. 19)
The State Treasurer’s Office provides essential services for the citizens of California. As we work to further protect the health of our community in response to COVID-19, the BCAs are modifying standard committee meeting procedures. Participants, interested parties, and non-essential staff are requested to join the meeting via teleconference. Further, social distancing measures will be put in place at the meeting location, which will substantially limit the space available for in-person attendees. Public participation and comment periods will not be impacted.