February 2020 Articles
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Letter from Treasurer Ma
February 2020

Dear Friends,
The late Steve Jobs once noted, “Things don’t have to change the world to be important.” He could have been speaking about California’s ambitious tech project known as FI$Cal. This new technology system will not change the world, but it is changing the way California State government operates and tracks trillions of dollars flowing through accounts each year.
From the start, the State Treasurer’s Office has played a leading role in the development of FI$Cal – the largest single integrated financial system in the public sector. It has taken about 15 years and considerable state resources but the end of the project is now in sight. The State Treasurer’s portion of FI$Cal is largely complete.
For an overview of the work accomplished to date and the historical development of the FI$Cal Project, please see The ABCs of the BCAs.
To my friends at UC Davis Health, in Asian Commercial Professionals, and the women executives who participated in the Silicon Valley Leadership Group lunch – keep up the amazing work! (And enjoy the photos in the The Ma Squad.)
On another note, I’d like to remind all of our Local Agency Investment Fund Online participants that we have recently completed a security update and if you have not accessed your accounts since late August you will need to re-register using your LAIF account number, PIN and unique ID. If you need help, contact the LAIF staff at (916) 653-3001.
In Peace & Friendship,
California State Treasurer