Year-End Highlights 2019 Articles
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- Year-End Highlights 2019
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HTML version, PDF version - Half-Year Highlights: Jan - Jun 2019
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Community Outreach
One priority of the Treasurer’s External Affairs team is to build strong, strategic relationships with groups with missions similar to the Treasurer’s and her programs. This included outreach to Economic Development Corporations and chambers around the state to promote affordable housing, small business incentives, energy efficiency, retrofit financing, and much more. External Affairs also:
- Sponsored more than 20 small business and financial empowerment workshops and conferences throughout California serving hundreds of constituents and providing information on the numerous Boards, Committees and Authorities (BCAs) chaired by Treasurer Ma, including CalSavers, ScholarShare 529, TCAC, CDLAC, CalABLE, CPCFA, and CAEATFA. The events gave constituents direct access to a staff person on the Treasurer's team.
- Community outreach workshops are tailored to industry and location and the region’s economic culture. The External Affairs team has created custom programs for Asian Pacific Islander (API) small business owners and veterans groups.
- The team fosters strong partnerships with outside agencies, local governments and nonprofits, including CalHFA, CalVet, the Small Business Majority, Go-Biz, IBank, Main Street Launch and CalCPA, so workshop attendees can get one-on-one consultations during workshops.
- External Affairs participated in more than 30 events this year, including workshops, expos, community tours and other outreach events, engaging with thousands of Californians and providing resources to the public.
- Over the summer, the External Affairs Northern California team recruited and mentored a group of 12 interns who participated in a six-week MaSquad training program. Each intern successfully completed an individual presentation on a selected BCA, provided a thorough analysis of legislative bills, and learned the importance of financial empowerment. The interns also assisted in conducting research, updating constituent databases, and supporting office duties.

Treasurer Ma and members of her team in Florida for the 2019 annual conference of the National Association of State Treasurers (NAST). Treasurer Ma is hosting NAST’s 2020 national conference in San Diego. (From left to right: Legislative Director Kasey O’Conner, Chief of Staff Genevieve Jopanda, Deputy Treasurer for Public Finance Timothy Schaefer, Deputy Director-Northern California External Affairs Noah Starr, CalABLE Executive Director Dante Allen, State Treasurer Fiona Ma, CalSavers Executive Director Katie Selenski.)