July 2020 Articles
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The Ma Squad
July 2020

On June 4, Treasurer Ma teamed up with EconAlliance in Santa Barbara during Small Business Week to provide timely resources and program updates to small business owners and moderate presentations by the California Pollution Control Financing Authority (CPCFA), CalSavers and IBank. Top row, left to right: Treasurer Ma, Emily Burgos of IBank’s Small Business Finance Center, Jonathan Herrera of CalSavers. Bottom row: CPCFA Deputy Executive Director Janae Davis and Victoria Conner of Strategic Vitality LLC.

The Treasurer joined Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE) for its 26th Annual Latina Action Day on June 10 to discuss California’s budget, economic and workforce recovery, and her post pandemic office priorities. Pictured top, left to right: HOPE Executive Director Helen Torres, Telemundo 52 News Anchor Sandra O’Neill. Middle row: Assemblymember Blanca Rubio, California Budget & Policy Center Executive Director Chris Hoene. Bottom row: Treasurer Ma.

Treasurer Ma and representatives of the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs organization delivering protective masks to the Sacramento Regional Transit District office on June 10.

Treasurer Ma with some of the SMUD workers she visited on June 26 expressly to thank them for supporting the community during the state’s response to COVID 19. Deemed an “essential service provider,” the Sacramento regional not-for-profit electric service company took steps to protect workers and suspended power shutoffs for non-payment through January 2021.