June 2020 Articles
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Ask the Treasurer
June 2020
Dear Fiona,
I operate a small 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We have been impacted greatly by the COVID-19 pandemic and I’m worried we may need to close our doors permanently. What financial resources are available to help nonprofits survive through this time?
Dear Grace,
As the COVID-19 pandemic persists and uncertainties loom, many nonprofits are feeling the financial burden of the crisis and trying to figure out how to stay afloat to provide vital services. The first thing to know is that nonprofits are eligible for many of the same COVID-19 resources as for-profit companies. That includes the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Emergency Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program. (Note, however, that EIDL loans currently are limited to the agricultural sector). There are also a number of philanthropic funds available to nonprofits. My office has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for nonprofits, which we update regularly as new resources become available. You can access this list, as well as resource lists for individuals and small businesses, on my website at https://www.treasurer.ca.gov/covid-19.asp.
Have a Question for the Treasurer?

Send your questions for California State Treasurer Fiona Ma via
email to: AskFiona@treasurer.ca.gov
Address letters to:
California State Treasurer Fiona Ma,
Post Office Box 942809, Sacramento, CA 94209-0001