CalCAP Seismic Safety (CalCAP Seismic)
Loan loss reserves for financial institutions
lending to California’s commercial and residential
property owners for seismic retrofits

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CalCAP Seismic Safety is a credit enhancement program in the form of a loan loss reserve. CalCAP Seismic provides a post-disbursement risk management tool for financial institutions when they loan up to $250,000 for seismic retrofit construction on existing commercial or residential buildings, including:
- anchoring structure to foundation
- anchoring fuel storage
- bracing cripple walls
- bracing water heaters
- installing an earthquake-resistant bracing system for mobilehomes or manufactured homes
- installing automatic gas shutoff valves
- repairing or reinforcing the foundation to improve the integrity of the foundation against seismic damage (repairs due to seismic damage are excluded)
- strengthening a building’s lateral load resisting system.