February 2019 Articles
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Your Input is Sought to Fix the Affordable Housing Gap
February 2019

The State Treasurer’s Office (STO) is focused on providing more affordable housing in California. Shaped by a sense of urgent necessity and personal priority, we immediately created a forum for the STO and affordable housing stakeholders to connect and engage with a statewide “Affordable Housing Listening Tour.”
Events were held in five cities to facilitate dialogue with stakeholders – from developers to advocates –who have invaluable experience and expertise to share. What we learned during the listening tour will help us as we move forward to identify and implement commonsense reforms to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee and California Debt Limit Allocation Committee, two programs within the STO that perform critical functions in financing affordable housing developments.
The listening tour provided an opportunity for Treasurer Ma to meet with the women, men, and organizations that work on housing-related public policies every day.
As stakeholders who do the important work of designing, constructing, financing, and advocating for affordable housing, it is important that stakeholders know we are with them in the front trenches and that we can play a central role in facilitating their work.
In the first month of her administration, Treasurer Ma visited Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, San Francisco and Fresno.
If you are interested in hosting or helping the STO organize a future stop in your region, please contact Deputy Jovan Agee jovan.agee@treasurer.ca.gov.

Pictures from the Affordable Housing Tour

Thank you Sacramento Redevelopment Housing Authority for hosting Sacramento’s leg of the Affordable Housing Tour