February 2019 Articles
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Ask the Treasurer
February 2019

Dear Fiona,
Congratulations on your new position! I recently attended your Affordable Housing Listening Tour and heard you mention the CalVet Loan Program. I am a veteran and want to know if I’m eligible for this program. Can you please give me more information regarding eligibility requirements?
Dear David,
The CalVet Home Loan Program is a true benefit with features that will save veterans money, simplify the lending process, and help veterans protect their investments. CalVet Home Loan products have below market interest rates with low or no down payment requirements and a lower emphasis on FICO scores than is typical for a conventional loan.
All veterans who served on active duty a minimum of 90 days (not including active duty for training purposes only) during wartime, or peacetime, are eligible. The service must be under honorable conditions.
There are no prior residency rules. A veteran may have entered service from outside California. National Guard or reservists who have been ordered to active duty, including Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) duty are also eligible.
To apply for a loan or to gather more information, please visit the CalVet website at https://www.calvet.ca.gov/HomeLoans.
Have a Question for the Treasurer?

Send your questions for California State Treasurer Fiona Ma via
email to: AskFiona@treasurer.ca.gov
Address letters to:
California State Treasurer Fiona Ma,
Post Office Box 942809, Sacramento, CA 94209-0001