January 2020 Articles
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Heart of the Treasury
January 2020
Meet the people in the State Treasurer’s Office whose public service inspires us and is making a difference.

You might remember Sandra Kent. Sandra was employee of the month in July. In December, she was also named STO Employee of the Year!
Congratulations Sandra!
Sandra is an analyst with the California Debt and Investment Advisory Committee’s (CDIAC) Education and Outreach Unit. In addition to acting as a clearinghouse for information, CDIAC provides education and technical assistance on debt issuance and public fund investments to local public agencies and other public finance professionals.
The work Sandra performs in the education unit is unique and requires technical acumen as well as an understanding of municipal debt issuance and public investment, marketing and public outreach. Sandra has repeatedly stepped up to help train newly hired specialists and provided guidance as they worked on time-sensitive projects.
She is further credited with single-handedly making several new CDIAC programs -- Understanding Benchmarking, Understanding Cash Flow and Cash Flow Forecasting, Municipal Debt Essentials, and Fundamentals of Public Funds Investing in Collaboration with the California Municipal Treasurers Association. -- successful. Sandra is the epitome of professionalism, teamwork and leadership.
Once again, congratulations Employee of the Year Sandra Kent!
(Learn more about CDIAC here: https://www.treasurer.ca.gov/cdiac/index.asp)