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Letter from Treasurer Ma

January 2020

California State Treasurer Fiona Ma, CPA

Dear Friends,

A core mission of the State Treasurer’s Office is managing the financing of California’s debt. Read about the issuing of bonds and the related activities that take place within the Public Finance Division of my office in "ABCs of the BCAs."

In this month’s issue you’ll also find the answer to a question that has come up more times than you might guess. What is the difference between the State Controller’s Office and the State Treasurer’s Office? You’ll find the answer, and a handy one-sentence summary, in "Ask the Treasurer."

It has been a great first year for me as your State Treasurer, by the way. I am quite proud of what my team and I have accomplished. And we are eagerly looking forward to all we stand to accomplish in the new year.

If you would like to learn more about those accomplishments, I invite you to visit my website and download a copy of our “Year-End Highlights.”

Best wishes for a successful and inspiring 2020!

In Peace & Friendship,

California State Treasurer