December 2019 Articles
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Letter from Treasurer Ma
December 2019

Dear Reader,
We recently marked two significant milestones in programs benefitting homeowners, renters and owner-operators of trucks. Turn to page six for details on one of our programs that supported the purchase of 25,000 cleaner burning trucks and another that has provided $10 million in energy efficiency loans.
Also in November we issued $500 million of California Health Facilities Financing Authority bonds to provide funding to the Department of Housing and Community Development’s No Place Like Home Program. This incredible program helps provide permanent housing for people who are homeless and in need of mental health services.
I had the additional pleasure of joining staff and participants taking part in the Local Agency Investment Fund’s (LAIF) annual conference in November. The fund serves as a checking account for 2,373 agencies throughout the state, including cities, counties and special districts. But, unlike most checking accounts, it gets a great interest rate – 2.34 percent in the quarter that ended on September, 30. The program’s motto? “Your Money is Safe with LAIF.”
The good work we accomplish here in the State Treasurer’s Office is not the result of one person alone. It requires the best efforts of a whole lot of talented, hard-working smiling people. Many of them are standing beside me in the photo above!
In Peace & Friendship,
California State Treasurer