December 2019 Articles
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The Ma Squad
December 2019

With my Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) team members, Nicole Mah, Nicole Milliron and Laurieanne Blanco at the 2019 LAIF Conference. LAIF investment funds from local governments are combined with the State’s General Fund and other surplus money in a Pooled Money Investment Account (PMIA) to maximize returns for taxpayers. The conference provides updates on the PMIA’s goals and objectives, as well as on LAIF operations. Treasurer Ma expressed an appreciative thank you to all LAIF representatives who attended this year’s reception and conference.

With American Quartz Group, Inc. CEO and President Tommy Hu, marking the opening of his new business in Barstow. American Quartz Group is the first quartz surfaces manufacturer on the West Coast, and only one of a few in the nation.

Visiting with friends of the 24 Carrot Certified Organic Farm owned by Bay Area native Ben Hansen. The farm stand operation joins with other local businesses to feed the local community. From left to right: farmhand Aly Schmaultz, El Dorado county Chamber of Commerce President Gordon Helm, Ben Hansen, farm manager Allison Ryan, Treasurer Ma, Seth Doulton of the Treasurer’s external affairs team, El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce CEO Laural Brent-Bumb.

At the 2019 National Federation of the Blind California Convention with my friend Jonathan Lyens moments before speaking about serving as State Treasurer and the benefits of the California Achieving a Better Life Experience (CalABLE) program, whose board I chair. At the lectern is National Federation of the Blind of California President Tim Elder.