December 2019 Articles
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A Tax Tip
December 2019

Making voluntary contributions on state tax forms for domestic violence programs and processing of rape kits
Treasurer Ma encourages Californians to make charitable donations to the state’s voluntary contribution funds. A list of funds can be found at the State of California Franchise Tax Board’s website . Here are two funds on that list the Treasurer helped establish:
- Rape Kit Backlog Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund. Used for DNA testing in the processing of rape kits. In the first 10 months of 2019 the fund raised $296,587. (2017; AB 280)
- California Domestic Violence Victims Fund. Used for the distribution of funds to active recipients under the Comprehensive Statewide Domestic Violence Program within the Office of Emergency Services. In the first 10 months of 2019 the fund raised $215,973. (2016; AB1399)
How to Contribute
Make individual voluntary contributions on your original tax return. Contributions must be $1 or more, in whole dollar amounts.
Use one of the following tax returns:
- California Resident Income Tax Return (Form 540 2EZ)
- California Resident Income Tax Return (Form 540)
- Nonresidents or Part-Year Residents (Short Form 540NR)
- Nonresidents or Part-Year Residents (Long Form 540NR)
- California Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Form 541)